Reconditioning of existing groundwater extraction

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Until 2010, the Guldensporencollege school in Kortrijk, Belgium, used deep groundwater for sanitary applications. As a result of the ban on the use of this deep groundwater, HMVT in collaboration with Wegrosan, has taken the existing drilling wells out of service in accordance with regulations.

Through a 22-metre-deep drilling well, the groundwater is pumped up using an adjustable flow and treated in an automatic backwash deferrization installation and a softening unit. Via an existing buffer tank, the treated groundwater is taken to the various consumption points. The groundwater purification unit functions fully autonomously and was designed tailor-made for the installation in the school basement.

HMVT in collaboration with Wegrosan has taken the existing drilling wells out of service in accordance with regulations. It then realised a completely new water extraction system. This investment helps to save the Guldensporencollege school some 2,400 m3 of tap water per year.